AIR Kolkata Geetanjali

Language: Bangla

AIR Kolkata Geetanjali

Tune in to AIR Kolkata Geetanjali, a division of All India Radio, broadcasting live from Kolkata, West Bengal, on the frequency 657 AM. AIR Kolkata Geetanjali offers a dynamic lineup including Akashvani news, talk programs, current affairs, world news, as well as a variety of Bangla songs and talk programs. Experience the richness of Bangla radio by listening to Akashvani Kolkata Geetanjali online.

আকাশবাণী কলকাতা গীতাঞ্জলি

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Contact Details

Address - Akashvani Bhavan, near Eden Gardens, Kolkata, West Bengal 700001
Phone - +91 33 22489131-4
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