Online Radio / Asia / India / New Delhi / Fever 104 FM

Fever 104 FM

Language: Hindi

Fever 104 FM

The inception of Fever 104 FM dates back to 2006 when HT Media introduced Fever 104 FM in Delhi. The goal was to establish a nationwide youth-oriented station that featured content brimming with vitality, youthfulness, and modernity. Over the ensuing two years, Fever 104 FM expanded its reach to Mumbai, Bangalore, and Kolkata. Presently, Fever FM broadcasts across various cities:

Delhi (104 FM)
Mumbai (104 FM)
Bengaluru (104 FM)
Kolkata (104 FM)
Chennai (91.9 FM)
Hyderabad (94.3 FM)
Lucknow (104 FM)
Kanpur (95 FM)
Allahabad (94.3 FM)
Gorakhpur (94.3 FM)
Agra (93.7 FM)
Aligarh (94.9 FM)
Bareilly (94.9 FM)

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Contact Details

Address - Fever FM, 17th Floor, HT House, New Delhi
Phone - +91 11 43104104
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