Monte Carlo Doualiya is a French Arabic-speaking radio station broadcasting live from Paris. It brings you live and recorded programs, covering international news in Arabic. The station reaches audiences across the Middle East, Near East, Mauritania, Djibouti, South Sudan on FM, and Cyprus via medium wave. Wherever you are, stay connected to the world with MCD.
Bahrain (Manama): 90.9 FM
Oman (Muscat): 92.2 FM
Djibouti: 97.2 FM
Baghdad: 87.7 FM
Basra: 92 FM
Erbil: 103 FM
Connector: 88.1 FM
Kirkuk: 103.1 FM
Tikrit: 106.3 FM
Amman: 97.4 FM
Ajloun: 106.2 FM
Kuwait: 107.3 FM
Beirut: 103.3 FM
Jezzine : 103.3 FM
Nabatieh : 103.1 FM
Saida: 103.3 FM
Tripoli: 103 FM
Photo: 103.3 FM
Zahle: 103.3 FM
Benghazi: 105.5 FM
Tripoli: 105.5 FM (broadcast paused)
Mauritania (Nouakchott): 90.2 FM
Qatar (Doha): 99.6 FM
Palestinian Territories
Hebron: 101.4 FM
Nablus: 97.3 FM
Ramallah: 94.6 FM
Gaza: 94.9 FM (broadcast paused)
South Sudan (Juba): 90.4 FM