My Radio DJ

Language: Hindi

My Radio DJ

Tune in to MY RADIO DJ, the premier internet radio station of Kolkata, for a captivating musical experience. To make song requests or send dedication messages, simply dial +917999131487. Indulge in the mesmerizing melodies of Bollywood songs of all genres, brought to you by the skillful DJ Dipak.  Don’t miss the enchanting SADABAHAR RETRO HITZ every day from 3pm to 4pm and 9pm to 10pm, as well as the vibrant CLUB DJ Hitz airing daily at 7:30pm. For the latest Bollywood hits, catch the Top 20 Bollywood Latest Hitz every Sunday at 8pm exclusively on MY RADIO DJ’s online radio station.

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Contact Details

Phone: +7999131487
WhatsApp: +917384303327