THR Raaga FM

Language: Tamil

THR Raaga FM

THR Raaga FM stands out as a prominent Tamil radio station based in Malaysia, renowned for its widespread appeal to Tamil audiences globally. Through the enchanting power of music, THR Raaga FM brings together Tamil communities worldwide. Broadcasting around the clock, the station features a continuous lineup of Tamil super hit songs and live broadcasts of Tamil movies. Recognized as Malaysia’s premier Tamil radio station, THR Raaga FM proudly holds the title of being the nation’s top choice for Tamil entertainment.

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Contact Details

Address - Raaga, All Asia Broadcast Centre, Technology Park Malaysia, Lebuhraya Puchong-Sg. Besi, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Phone - 03-9543 8888, Fax: 03-9543 8888
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