Miracles Radio is the leading online Malayalam Christian radio station, offering uninterrupted 24/7 audio streaming. As a ministry that belongs to God, Miracles Radio is committed to following his will and prayerfully following the leading of the Holy Spirit. The station is entirely dependent on God for its success, taking each step in accordance with his word and through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Miracles Radio preaches the word of God with its full power, recognizing that true transformation of hearts is necessary to effect lasting change. Tune in to Miracles Radio, the online Malayalam Christian radio station, and listen to its inspiring programming.
Contact Details
Disciples Ministry P.B.No 3, Edayaranmula Post, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala – INDIA. Pin Code : 689 532Phone - +91-9895464665
E-Mail - disciplesnews@gmail.com
Website - https://www.miraclesradio.com/